In Perfect Symmetry

By Beverly Hills Posture – a posture & rehabilitation institute and more

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Understanding Postpartum Recovery

Whether you are a first time Mama or a seasoned baby-maker, one of the most overlooked areas of pregnancy is the time after giving birth – the postpartum recovery period. Even if you are one of the lucky ones who experiences an uncomplicated labor and delivery and feels “fine” to go home and begin a new life with baby, it still behooves you to be mindful of the myriad of changes happening in your body and life once baby has already arrived. Um, not to mention an instantaneous major lack of sleep!

Most of us are aware that there are ‘hormonal changes,’ during this time, but it is not just that alone to which we are adjusting. Even if we feel we have “prepared” ourselves in advance, no one knows exactly what life will be like until it is actually happening. A complete overhaul in lifestyle occurs, including a reorientation of our relationships, a shift in our personal identity, extreme exhaustion, possible career changes (which may also impact finances), digestive changes, and the demands of nursing, just to name a few. In the weeks, months, and in some cases years, following birth the body-mind-spirit is undergoing a healing process.

It is imperative that we honor ourselves and give our body the space and time it needs to heal. In fact, Ayurveda (the holistic medicine of India and the sister science to yoga) purports that the 42 days following birth are a sacred time. It maintains that this timeframe is possibly even more important to the health of the infant and mother than the pregnancy itself. Ayurveda implicates that the 42 days postpartum sets the stage for a woman’s health for the next 42 years! This is because during the postpartum period Ayurveda sees the mother as being just as delicate as her newborn. The combination of fatigue, rapid hormonal changes, meeting all of baby’s needs and just navigating new motherhood means that the care-giver also needs much attentive and tender care. So who is assigned to the job of caring for the care-giver? It isn’t just up to the supportive figures surrounding mother (partner, family members, close friends etc.) giving her the help needs, although these people are certainly vital to her recovery. Ultimately, the mother herself is tasked with mustering up the gentleness and patience she needs to be present in her experience as a new mother. This is an important foundation for learning and implementing self-care. It is the practice of self-care in this very early stage —in what can feel like the hardest time of your life —that will infuse the mother with the foundation needed to be a better and healthier Mom for the next 42 years. Clearly, in our society today the postpartum period is a time in a woman’s life that is gravely undervalued. However, if we open our eyes to the reality of the challenges inherent in this period, we can be better prepared to ask for what we need and give ourselves the compassion that is so well deserved.

Now, let’s take a moment to just focus on what’s happening physically. The normal follow up with the OB doctor occurs around 6 weeks postpartum. Mama will be checked, either vaginally or at the location of her C-section incision, consulted about postpartum depression and asked how breastfeeding is going (if that is indeed part of her postpartum plan). If all seems well, the doctor usually gives the green light to resume all normal activities, including exercise and sex, somewhere around 6 – 8 weeks. However, what most doctors do not include in that visit is an assessment of the woman’s rectus abdominis for something called Diastasis Recti. Diastasis Recti is a very common condition caused by the stretching of the rectus abdominis muscle by the growing uterus. The result is a literal separation of the left and right halves of the muscle. This is a common occurrence for women during pregnancy and doesn’t matter whether they have had a C-section or vaginal delivery. The separation can be significant or slight — sometimes so slight a woman may not even know she has been affected.

Diastasis can contribute to low back pain, pelvic floor instability (including incontinence) and digestive concerns. Often times it will heal on its own, however in cases when the wrong kind exercise and activities are introduced too early in the healing process, it can actually become worse. In fact, it usually isn’t until months later when the postpartum woman is complaining about ‘the bulge in her belly’ even though she has been working out religiously.  Her problem lies in the type of exercise she has been engaging in.

You may recognize this scenario: Mama is soooooo very ready to start exercising again and get her pre-baby body back. She decides to engage in lots of belly crunches and/or baby bootcamp type activities thinking she is doing her body good. However, unfortunately, if Mama has diastasis recti there is a good chance she may be making things worse. So, what’s a Mama to do? First, although there are ways to do a self-check of the condition, I recommend getting checked for diastasis by someone who is trained to test for it. It’s an easy, non-invasive test. Knowledge is power so once you know for sure this is happening in your body, you are poised to make educated decisions and prepare a game plan for the postpartum recovery process. Secondly, find instructors well trained in Pilates or yoga therapeutics who can safely lead you through exercises that help to strengthen and balance the body. Finally, because our bodies want to live in a state of homeostasis (i.e. balance), we must be patient and trust that our bodies will restore the integrity of our abdominal muscles.

I have offered yoga therapy to many women postpartum and I have recently moved through my own postpartum recovery as well. I must say, I am amazed again and again at the inner intelligence of our bodies. When we set up our bodies optimally and give them the time and attention they need, they will heal. Our body may not look exactly the same as it did pre-pregnancy, but we aren’t the same! We are now “Mama.” And perhaps we can be okay — dare I say even proud — that our body bares the experience of pregnancy and childbirth upon it. Having a child forever changes our lives so couldn’t it be considered normal for our external appearance to be, if nothing else, slightly different? As we move through the throws of motherhood and begin to patiently adjust to the changes in our lives, we can offer the same kindness to the adjustments in our bodies. Invoking a feeling of physical strength and balance in our body is a beautiful goal. If along the way to that aim we happen to get our ‘pre-baby body’ back, then well, we can consider that as just an added benefit!

TIP: To protect your mid line during pregnancy, always use the “log roll” maneuver when rising from the floor or out of bed. This practice should also be used in the first couple months postpartum until you have been checked and cleared for diastasis.

Log roll: with your torso and head aligned (in one piece), roll over onto your side. Then, use your arms to help push yourself up to a sitting position.

Wendy Obstler, CYT, E-RYT,  is a certified yoga therapist, experienced registered yoga teacher and certified prenatal yoga teacher. Wendy is also the certified Lead Teacher and Ambassador of Strong Yoga™ 4Women. Since 2005, she has worked with countless women struggling with fertility challenges and has witnessed over and again the powerful benefits of yoga on fertility. Having used the practice of yoga therapy to heal her own severe back injury, Wendy enjoys sharing the transformational qualities of yoga with other individuals in chronic pain, healing from injury, post-operative rehab and as awareness for injury prevention.  Wendy is a therapist/instructor at Beverly Hills Posture, a proud member of both the International Association of Yoga Therapists and the Yoga Alliance. Wendy Obstler, CYT/E-RYT ©2014 All Rights Reserved

If you have any questions regarding anything we’ve written or would like to book an appointment with us, please click HERE to be directed to our contact page. Beverly Hills Posture is proud to offer Chiropractic Care with an abundance of options including- Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic, Acupuncture, Acupressure and Massage Therapy. We dedicate ourselves to creating a healthier you.

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About “Wellness Psychology” – be proactive and develop habits

Wellness psychology is the study of mental and emotional wellness – in other words, the wellness, psychology, body, Walker Ozar - Doctor of Chiropractic, Chiropractor in Beverly HIlls Californiaway to create conditions of thinking and feeling that are consistent with healthy living.

Wellness psychology is a way of responding to the challenges of life with positive expectancy and self-esteem, based on the awareness that our natural state is harmony and inner peace, if we can reduce or eliminate whatever is interfering with that state.

Wellness psychology is based more on lifestyle decisions than the treatment of a professional. Learning to interpret the events of your life with positive realism gives you a perspective from which you can assign uplifting meanings to those events. Tony Robbins says, “Nothing has any meaning but the meaning you give it,” and putting a positive spin on things sets an internal environment that is more likely to encourage overall wellness.

But there’s more to wellness psychology than just positive thinking. Rather than waiting around for mental and emotional symptoms, you can be proactive and develop habits that make you mentally and emotionally healthier on an ongoing basis.

If you have any questions regarding anything we’ve written or would like to book an appointment with us, please click HERE to be directed to our contact page. Beverly Hills Posture is proud to offer Chiropractic Care with an abundance of options including- Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic, Acupuncture, Acupressure and Massage Therapy. We dedicate ourselves to creating a healthier you.

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A good sleep for optimal health and wellness

Therapy and Training in Beverly Hills, CA - Beverly Hills Posture offers Chiropractic Care, yoga, Acupunture, and Massage Therapy, Walker Ozar - Doctor of Chiropractic, Chiropractor in Beverly HIlls California

Research suggests that the amount and quality of sleep we achieve has profound effects on wellness. Nightly sleep is critical for the restoration of health.

Sleep expert and President of the American Sleep Research Institute Lynn Larson explains that the link between sleep and decreased longevity is due to the immediate effect lack of sleep has on human performance. Missing sleep leads to poor decision-making and affects everything we do: rushing when we should be methodical, forgetting important procedures, loss of attention (such as when driving), not having the energy to exercise, poorer reaction time, higher stress levels, elevated blood pressure, and inability to adapt to change. These things lead to accidents in the short-term, and poor health in the long-term.

Research at ASRI suggests that the amount and quality of sleep we achieve has profound effects on wellness. Nightly sleep is critical for proper function of: the brain, immune system, endocrine system, digestion, as well as for energy, recovery from injury, and restoration of health. The lifestyle changes explained throughout this website are all intertwined with sleep. Sleep gives us the energy, the will, and the foundation to accomplish these changes.

Approximately 100 million Americans struggle with difficulty sleeping. If you have trouble falling asleep, or staying asleep, there are some “tricks” to improve the situation. To some extent, insomnia can be like the old expression about fear: there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Sometimes, just the fear of not being able to sleep causes enough stress to keep us awake. Don’t worry, these guidelines should help.

  • Sleep is like a good meal. It must be at the correct time and well anticipated; it helps to be hungry, the food should look, taste and smell good; your surroundings should be pleasing; and you should have plenty of stress free time to enjoy it. Make your bedroom as inviting as that meal and you will sleep better.
  •  Don’t look at the clock. Studies have shown that looking at the clock during the night increases insomnia. You will sleep more if you ignore the clock when you wake up during the night.
  • Leave work at the office and don’t take it to bed with you.
  • If you wake during the night – do not think! Mental distraction is the name of the game. Try counting backwards from 100. The first times that you try this technique you might count from 100 two or more times. It’s OK. Eventually you will fall to sleep at about 95. You are training yourself to stop thinking about problems and to fall to sleep instead. It will take time to learn this good habit.
  • No caffeine after dinner. The half-life of caffeine is about four hours.
  • Alcohol makes you doze off quickly, but after it metabolizes it will interrupt sleep later in the night.

Get ready to revamp your sleep habit this weekend… have a restful Labor Day Weekend!

If you have any questions regarding anything we’ve written or would like to book an appointment with us, please click HERE to be directed to our contact page. Beverly Hills Posture is proud to offer Chiropractic Care with an abundance of options including- Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic, Acupuncture, Acupressure and Massage Therapy. We dedicate ourselves to creating a healthier you.

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Quick and easy to remember fitness tips

Therapy and Training in Beverly Hills, CA - Beverly Hills Posture offers Chiropractic Care, yoga, Acupunture, and Massage Therapy, Walker Ozar - Doctor of Chiropractic, Chiropractor in Beverly HIlls CaliforniaHere are a few tips we’ve gleaned from across the Web to help you get and stay on the right path toward lifelong wellness.

Admit your weaknesses.  If you have an exercise or set of exercises that you don’t like to do, do them.  If you are avoiding them, you are probably weak in that area.  Forcing yourself to do them not only increases your discipline, it also will help balance your workouts.

Save time and muscle Keep weight workouts under an hour.  After an hour, research shows that your body will start to produce more Cortisol which tends to have a muscle wasting effect.

We still like sit-ups!  Sit-ups have gotten a bad rap from time to time.  Done correctly however, the standard sit-up is still one of the most effective abdominal exercises.  There are dozens of variations of sit-ups and crunches and we won’t go into them all here.  Avoid doing sit-ups with anchored feet as this tends to expose the lower back to undue stress.  Otherwise, find a method that works for you.  Also, avoid working your abdominals every day.  Abdominals are like any other muscle, they need to time to recoup.

Focus on Flexibility as you age.  If you’re under 40 years old, hold your stretches for 30 seconds.  If you are over 40, hold your stretches for 60 seconds.  As we age, our muscles become less pliable and need more attention to maintain flexibility.  Maintaining or increasing one’s flexibility is a key factor in avoiding injuries as we age.

Therapy and Training in Beverly Hills, CA - Beverly Hills Posture offers Chiropractic Care, yoga, Acupunture, and Massage Therapy, Walker Ozar - Doctor of Chiropractic, Chiropractor in Beverly HIlls California

Photo Credit:

Huff and Puff your way to stronger Abs.  If you exhale forcefully at the top of the move while doing crunches, it forces your abs to work harder.  Harder work equals stronger abs!

Flatten your Gut. The Transversus Abdominus is the muscle that lies under your Rectus Abdominus (commonly referred to as the “six-pack”).  This is the muscle that you use when you suck your gut in.  Strengthen the Transversus Abdominus by pulling your belly button in towards your spine and hold for 10 seconds while breathing normally.  Repeat 6-8 times.  While you can’t see this muscle, it will help flatten your gut!

STRONGER AND FASTER.  Doing the same amount or exercises during your workout in a shorter period of time helps build muscle.  It forces your muscles to work harder and has the added benefit of building muscular endurance.  If you do your workout routine in 40 minutes, try to get it done in 35 minutes.

Isolate your Abs. When doing reverse crunches, round your back by rolling your hips and pelvis towards your chest as opposed to just raising your legs.  Otherwise you will engage your hip flexors for the majority of the work.  In order to get the maximum benefit when working your abs, you must isolate them as much as possible.

Front image_drinking-water, Therapy and Training in Beverly Hills, CA - Beverly Hills Posture offers Chiropractic Care, yoga, Acupunture, and Massage Therapy, Walker Ozar - Doctor of Chiropractic, Chiropractor in Beverly HIlls California

Photo Credit: Clean Water Action [Clean Water Action is working to protect California from the dangers of hydraulic fracturing aka fracking]

Drink your way to fitness.  We’re talking water here!  Most people don’t drink enough water.  You have heard the standard recommended amount of water; eight 8 ounce glasses a day.  In reality, how much water you need depends on a number of factors, not the least of which is how big you are.

Water supports a host functions needed to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and to assist your body’s operating systems.  It helps flush toxins from your system; lubricates joints and muscles; maintains muscle tone; aids in the fat burning process (being dehydrated slows the process!); helps deliver oxygen to your muscles.  Dehydration lowers blood volume, which decreases blood flow to your muscles leading to feeling tired.

Drinking an adequate supply of water every day is a key component of your fitness level. If you only drink water when you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Drinking more water will also not make you look bloated, in fact it will have the opposite effect.

Go shorter, Go faster, AND GO safer.  Consider mixing up your running routine by going shorter distances faster.  This tends to improve your running form making you less susceptible to injury.  Also, running shorter distances creates less wear and tear on your body.

It’s easier to buy new shoes than new knees. Shoes have a shelf life, even if they don’t look like they need to be replaced.  On average, shoes will have a useful life of 500-600 miles.  To figure out when you should replace them, simply divide your weekly average running distance into 500.  You then know when you are in the replacement time frame.

Photo:, Therapy and Training in Beverly Hills, CA - Beverly Hills Posture offers Chiropractic Care, yoga, Acupunture, and Massage Therapy, Walker Ozar - Doctor of Chiropractic, Chiropractor in Beverly HIlls California


Warm up BEFORE your work out.  Warming up for your weight workout by walking on the treadmill isn’t really warming up effectively.  Since you are warming up a different set of muscles on the treadmill than you will be working while lifting, the benefit is almost non-existent.  Instead, use an un-weighted bar and mimic the exercises you will be doing.  This provides a more effective targeted warm up.

Your Abs are hurting your lower back.  We have a tendency to focus on doing tons of abdominal work and not so much on working the opposing muscles in the lower back.  This creates an imbalance and can pull your posture out of alignment.  This leads to tension in the lower back and further erodes good posture. To avoid this problem, always match each set of abdominal exercises with a corresponding lower back exercise.  You will look better, feel better and save yourself a pain in the back!

Photo: WebMD - Thermos Smoothie (click on photo for recipe), Therapy and Training in Beverly Hills, CA - Beverly Hills Posture offers Chiropractic Care, yoga, Acupunture, and Massage Therapy, Walker Ozar - Doctor of Chiropractic, Chiropractor in Beverly HIlls California – Thermos Smoothie (click photo for recipe)

Feed your muscles post work out.  Include at least 20 grams of sugar with your post work out meal.  Sugar helps carry protein to the muscles you just worked.  So, a little sugar with your chicken sandwich will help build stronger muscles quicker.  Just be sure to limit sugar intake the rest of the day.

If you have any questions regarding anything we’ve written or would like to book an appointment with us, please click HERE to be directed to our contact page. Beverly Hills Posture is proud to offer Chiropractic Care with an abundance of options including- Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic, Acupuncture, Acupressure and Massage Therapy. We dedicate ourselves to creating a healthier you.

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No excuses! Simple ways to stay on top of your health and fitness regimen while you’re on vacation

SummerVacation, Therapy and Training in Beverly Hills, CA - Beverly Hills Posture offers Chiropractic Care, yoga, Acupunture, and Massage Therapy, Walker Ozar - Doctor of Chiropractic, Chiropractor in Beverly HIlls CaliforniaSummer is always officially here when the 4th of July rolls around.  July also means summer travel is in full swing.

Did you know that the average person gains almost a pound a day while on vacation?  Most of the time extra pounds sneak up on you when you least expect it, so decide right here and now that you will not leave your fitness routine in the back seat of the car, on the plane or in the boat –while you’re on vacation.

All you have to do is have a plan!  So as you embark on your travels, here are  a few tips to keep you on track. If you remain mindful about your activity levels and food choices, you will probably come home healthier and stronger than when you left.

#1: Cut Back on the Vacation Carbs

Vacation days are notorious for carbohydrate rich meals, and it’s a well-known fact that too many carbohydrates will quickly add up to unwanted pounds. Combat this fat-trap by choosing low glycemic (low sugar) carbohydrates. Focus on fruits and veggies instead of the high sugar, lower nutrition value grains. Try to have at least one meal free of grains.

Breakfast: This may be the most effective meal to use the carb-less trick, since breakfast often involves breads, pastries or pancakes. Skip the toast and fill up on high quality eggs and lean breakfast meats.

Lunch: A great carb-less lunch is a salad with lean meat. It’s so filling and satisfying that you won’t even miss the bread.

Dinner: Since you’re on vacation, you don’t want to feel deprived, so dinner is the hardest meal to go carb-less. Stick with veggies and lean meats and fish. Depending on what part of the country or world you are in, you’re sure to have plenty of choices.

#2:  Stay Active

If your travels keep you too busy for a workout, or if your hotel does not have an exercise room, make a conscious effort to be active every day. Go on a walk or short jog before or after your day’s activities. This is a great way to see a new city, and also a great way to burn off extra calories.

Take the stairs instead of elevator in your hotel and any other buildings you visit. If your hotel has a pool, swim a few laps each morning or evening. It’s usually pretty easy to be active on vacation and it might get a tad bit boring laying on the beach or by the pool all day long.

#3: Indulge, but with Control

Eating out is a must while on vacation. Whether you’re visiting 5 star restaurants or fast food diners, you are faced with the same problem: large portions. While the easiest thing to do with a large portioned meal is to simply eat it all–you are on vacation after all right? It’s not the best choice (for your waist line).

When you order your meal ask the waiter or waitress to bring you a to-go box. Take half of your meal and place it safely into the box before you even begin to eat. This gives you no choice but to eat a healthy portion. If you would rather not carry around a to-go box, then ask that your entrée be made into a smaller portion.  If it’s dinnertime, ask for the lunch-sized entrée.

#4: Don’t Eat Too Late

One of the easiest tricks for preventing weight gain is to limit carbohydrates and calories before you go to bed. This is especially effective while on vacation. Skip that late night indulgence and wake up looking and feeling great!

#5: Choose Healthy Snacks

Have you ever noticed how travel days create the perfect opportunity for snacking? A coffee and muffin before your flight, a snack on the plane and then before you know it – it’s lunch time! Taking a road trip? This opens up even more opportunities for regrettable snacking –i.e. rest stop vending machines, gas station quickie marts and of course the never-ending string of fast food restaurants along the highway.

This summer cut unhealthy snacking off at the pass by bringing along your own healthy options. Dried or fresh fruit,  nuts with your own sea salt, guacamole or avocado, cut veggies and gluten-free crackers are a good start. By filling up on these healthy snacks between meals you will end up eating less when presented with a less-than-healthy meal.

#6: Avoid Fried or Greasy Foods

While fast food restaurants are definitely convenient, with their low prices and quick service, this convenience is not worth the additional pounds brought on by chips and fries. As you enjoy your vacation keep this in mind: avoid fried foods. While this is always good advice to follow, it is even more important to abide by while traveling.

While vacationing you will likely burn fewer calories each day than you would burn at home, and you are consuming more calories due to your schedule of eating out. You are walking a fine line, and eating fried foods would throw you right over the edge. A gram of fat contains 9 calories as compared to the 4 calories that proteins and carbohydrates carry – so you can see that consuming fried foods will drastically increase your caloric intake.

If you simply cannot pass on the curly fries, keep in mind that heartburn and indigestion are never fun –especially while on vacation!

independence-day-39fireworks, SummerVacation, Therapy and Training in Beverly Hills, CA - Beverly Hills Posture offers Chiropractic Care, yoga, Acupunture, and Massage Therapy, Walker Ozar - Doctor of Chiropractic, Chiropractor in Beverly HIlls CaliforniaHappy 4th of July… happy summer and safe and health travels!

Remember to give us a call or log on to our Mind Body Online Scheduling system to book a few sessions with a member of the Beverly Hills Posture Team–who can help you get back on track  upon your return (as well as praise you for the great work you did on your own)!

If you have any questions regarding anything we’ve written or would like to book an appointment with us, please click HERE to be directed to our contact page. Beverly Hills Posture is proud to offer Chiropractic Care with an abundance of options including- Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic, Acupuncture, Acupressure and Massage Therapy. We dedicate ourselves to creating a healthier you.

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About “workout-friendly” foods—the best choices for a well-designed fitness program

foodsThe topic of nutrition has many facets and tends to be a very complicated issue.  People have such a vast array of nutritional needs based on their own body, fitness level and overall health.

At Beverly Hills Posture, we tend to focus on the training regimen of our clients.  But we’re keenly aware of the importance of diet on your overall fitness level.  When thinking about the relationship between your diet and your exercise program, remember the old saying “You can’t out train your diet.”  In other words, you can easily undermine a great fitness program with a poor diet!

But the choices you make at the dining table can actually support your training efforts. Regardless of the reasons for your training program here at BHP, eating certain foods can assist you with achieving better results.  From those of you who are training to recover from an injury or chronic pain problem to our veteran fitness enthusiasts, there are a number of foods that everyone should consider incorporating into their diets.

Remember to always keep an eye on the amount of calories consumed, regardless of what type of calories they are.  The Beverly Hills Posture Team does not recommend any particular “diet.”  We’re big fans of a well-balanced eating strategy–which should be an integral part of your daily lifestyle.  Here’s a list of some food choices that work hand in hand with a well-designed fitness program:


Many people avoid nuts due to the high fat content.  This is a mistake.  Many nuts are packed with anti-oxidants, heart-healthy unsaturated fats and phytosterols.  The only caution is to watch portion size since the calories can add up quickly.  But the healthy benefits of unsalted, dry roasted nuts such as peanuts, almonds and pistachios can make those calories a vital part of your fitness program.   A great, low-calorie option is pistachios.  One ounce of shelled pistachios has only 160 calories, 6 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber and is cholesterol free.


Greek yogurt is a great option to get a healthy dose of protein and calcium into your diet.  Greek yogurt is thicker and creamier than regular yogurt and carries a bigger serving of protein.  Just choose brands with the fewest ingredients and are low or no fat.


Eggs have gotten a bad rap over time, but they can be a vital source of protein and they are packed with a host of vitamins and minerals.  They are inexpensive and easy to prepare.  The knock on eggs has always been the cholesterol.  If you are worried about that, simply use only egg whites, or remove two of the three yolks from a three egg omelet.


Lean poultry is a great way to boost your protein intake without packing on the calories.  Four ounces of skinless poultry has over 30 grams of protein and is loaded with essential nutrients like phosphorous and B-vitamins.  It is easy to prepare and relatively inexpensive while giving your body the needed ingredients to support your fitness program.


Fresh fruits and vegetables are the superstars of a healthy diet.  They pack in a wide range of vitamins and minerals, are generally low in calories and high in fiber.  You should be getting about half of your daily calories from carbohydrates, mainly from fruits and vegetables along with whole grains.  Here are some that are great for your workouts.


Cranberries have a powerful class of nutrients called PACs (Proanythocyanidins).  These provide help in maintaining healthy bones, teeth and your immune system.  This helps your body recover from your workouts while providing these essential nutrients.


Another recognized “superfood”, beets are naturally high in nitrates which have been shown to boost athletic performance.  Beets are great when juiced with other fruits and vegetables.  They can be eaten raw, cooked or bought canned.  One study showed that those eating a diet rich in beets ran faster and recovered quicker.


A category of vegetables including broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.  These veggies truly qualify as another “superfood” given their ability to boost your immune system and the wide array of vitamins and phytonutrients they contain .  A great source of Vitamin A and C as well as folic acid are just a few of the benefits of these vegetables.  Just don’t over cook them, you will lose more of the nutrient value the more you cook them.  A great foundation for a fitness friendly diet.


There is a reason that a workout fiend like Popeye downs massive amounts of spinach.  He knows his “superfoods”!  Spinach packs in the iron, potassium and anti-oxidant Vitamins A, C and K.  Spinach is also a great source of lutein which helps with eye health and protection from the sun.  This vegetable works as hard as you do in your workout routines.


Another food that has gotten a bad rap at times.  As long as you aren’t frying your potatoes, the complex carbs in potatoes are easily digestible making them a great source of fuel prior to a workout.  Easy to prepare by steaming, microwaving or baking potatoes offer a host of nutrients and are a great source of fiber.  Sweet potatoes also have loads of Vitamin A and beta carotene.


The key term here is “whole” grains.  Whole grains contain the bran, germ and endosperm.  These are the parts of the grain that contain the majority of the Vitamins, nutrients and fiber.  Overly processed grains have had these essential parts removed, also removing most of the nutritional value.  A diet that is rich in fiber has a wide range of health benefits.  Reducing blood pressure and cholesterol, and lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease are just a few of them.  Fiber also helps keep your digestive system running smoothly and curbs your appetite by making you feel fuller, thus eating less.  A food that helps you eat less food, how great is that?   Good whole grains include bulgur, brown rice, whole oats, cornmeal and buckwheat.  Beware of products that pretend to be whole grain.  If the package says “enriched flour” or “wheat germ”, odds are it does not contain whole grains.


This is just a short list of the many options that are available to design a dietary plan that provides your body with essential Vitamins and minerals and boosts the effects of your workouts.  It is this relationship between diet and exercise that can optimize your fitness level.  In other words, your diet and your exercise program do not exist in a vacuum.  They affect each other and when paired correctly, can ramp up your results.

As always, we recommend you seek the advice of a qualified fitness or nutrition professional whenever beginning a new diet or exercise program.  If you have any questions about your fitness plan or nutritional program, feel free to contact us for an appointment, we will be happy to assist you.

If you have any questions regarding anything we’ve written or would like to book an appointment with us, please click HERE to be directed to our contact page. Beverly Hills Posture is proud to offer Chiropractic Care with an abundance of options including- Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic, Acupuncture, Acupressure and Massage Therapy. We dedicate ourselves to creating a healthier you.

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Muscle VS. Fat – does one really weigh more?

Therapy and Training in Beverly Hills, CA - Beverly Hills Posture offers Chiropractic Care, yoga, Acupunture, and Massage Therapy, Walker Ozar - Doctor of Chiropractic, Chiropractor in Beverly HIlls California

This question has all the hallmarks of one of those trick questions. You hear it all the time “muscle weighs more than fat.”  Is that true?  The obvious answer is no.  Five pounds of fat weighs the same as five pounds of muscle.  It makes so much more sense when stated this way.  So what is going on with all of these claims that one type of tissue weighs more than another?  It’s VOLUME that is at play here.  Muscle is denser than fat—that five pounds of muscle is going to be smaller than that five pounds of fat.

Think of it this way:  A 5’5″, 140 pound woman who is 18% body fat is going to be noticeably smaller than a 5’5″, 140 pound woman who is 36% body fat.  This also points out why fitness professionals tell us to ignore the scale and your total weight when thinking about your fitness level.  If the 36% body fat woman in the example is able to flip her numbers to that of the 18% body fat woman, she will still weigh 140 pounds, but she will be smaller, have more muscle tone and generally look sleeker.  The fact that she is still 140 pounds is of no consequence.

So when thinking about your fitness level, your appearance and your overall wellness, weight is a number that is of little use as a gauge.  The percentage of that weight that is fat;  how you “feel” is a much better measure of one’s health and wellness.

If you have any questions regarding anything we’ve written or would like to book an appointment with us, please click HERE to be directed to our contact page. Beverly Hills Posture is proud to offer Chiropractic Care with an abundance of options including- Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic, Acupuncture, Acupressure and Massage Therapy. We dedicate ourselves to creating a healthier you.

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A Daily Ritual – why you need one

Therapy and Training in Beverly Hills, CA - Beverly Hills Posture offers Chiropractic Care, yoga, Acupunture, and Massage Therapy, Walker Ozar - Doctor of Chiropractic, Chiropractor in Beverly HIlls California

Photo Credit: Whole Read more about the importance of Daily Rituals by clicking on this photo.

Most of us wouldn’t ever think of walking out of the house in the morning for our day without brushing our teeth. If we did, something would probably feel “off”– in a sense. It is a “structure” in our lives so engrained in our steps of preparing for the day.

There are other automatic structures built into our daily lives around our work and family commitments. These include our task lists, grocery lists and different deadlines that are usually based upon what other folks in our lives may need (i.e. our boss, child, partner, a parent). We meet our deadlines and scratch things off our lists and there is perhaps a feeling of accomplishment present; dare I say, maybe it even feels good to complete those tasks. Structure, in all the right amounts, can have a beautifully positive effect on life.

So what is missing here?

At closer glance, what appear to be missing are the rituals (i.e. structures) we choose for ourselves. These are deeply important because they feed our personal needs and ideally give us balance. Sure, we may have certain days we go to the gym or have some routine that is our gift to ourselves to make us more relaxed (a weekly or a monthly massage?). That is certainly a good thing; but what about the other days of the week, month and year? Can you imagine only brushing your teeth on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays?

Daily Ritual is what fuels us in the most subtle, yet significant, ways. It allows space each and every day to tune in and focus on ourselves. And this doesn’t have to overly involved. It can be as simple as 5 minutes (or less!) to do something to connect inward.

Examples of Simple Daily Ritual:

  1. When you wake up in the morning, sit up in bed and tune into how your body feels. For most of us, the body feels a little stiff upon waking — so why not stretch? Simple stretches while taking in a few full, deep breaths can not only begin to wake and warm the body, but will invigorate the mind in a way that connects you to your inner world.  This alone, can create a sense of grounded energy and balance.
  2. “Journal of Gratitude” – at bedtime you write three things you are grateful for about your day, yourself or anything else in your life. Even after a bad day at work or frustrating afternoon caring for the kids, this ritual can bring about perspective and a sense of joy.

Begin to notice the built-in structure of your days. Explore the possibility of creating a space in your day to start one daily ritual. Over time you may add more rituals, but for now start simple and let it be all about YOU. Notice how it feels to slow down, tune inward and claim your ritual!

Wendy Obstler, CYT, E-RYT,  is a certified yoga therapist, experienced registered yoga teacher and certified prenatal yoga teacher. Wendy is also the certified Lead Teacher and Ambassador of Strong Yoga™ 4Women. Since 2005, she has worked with countless women struggling with fertility challenges and has witnessed over and again the powerful benefits of yoga on fertility. Having used the practice of yoga therapy to heal her own severe back injury, Wendy enjoys sharing the transformational qualities of yoga with other individuals in chronic pain, healing from injury, post-operative rehab and as awareness for injury prevention.  Wendy is a therapist/instructor at Beverly Hills Posture, a proud member of both the International Association of Yoga Therapists and the Yoga Alliance.Wendy Obstler, CYT/E-RYT ©2013 All Rights Reserved
If you have any questions regarding anything we’ve written or would like to book an appointment with us, please click HERE to be directed to our contact page. Beverly Hills Posture is proud to offer Chiropractic Care with an abundance of options including- Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic, Acupuncture, Acupressure and Massage Therapy. We dedicate ourselves to creating a healthier you.

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Do your body good…from the inside out

Ballerina Dancing, Therapy and Training in Beverly Hills, CA - Beverly Hills Posture offers Chiropractic Care, yoga, Acupunture, and Massage Therapy, Walker Ozar - Doctor of Chiropractic, Chiropractor in Beverly HIlls CaliforniaBy now, I would guess that most of us know the importance of having physical exercise regimens of some kind to choose from for our weekly rituals to keep the body energized, strong and flexible.

Additionally, it is imperative we make healthy choices with our foods and practice moderation when we decide to “splurge.”  It’s just as necessary to understand that what we put ON our body can have as significant an impact as what we put IN our body.

Our epidermis (skin) is the largest organ of the body. What we put on our skin has a large effect on long-term health and a balanced system. So, becoming mindful of what personal care products we use on a daily basis (i.e. hair products, body lotions and soaps, cosmetics, and even household cleaners) is just as important as knowing about the foods we are ingesting each day.

Why, you may ask?

Because the majority of these products include harsh chemicals linked to cancer, as well as those acting an “endocrine disrupters” (i.e. disrupts fertility and hormonal balance) in both men and women.

Many of the big culprits to avoid include:

1.  Parabens

2.  Sulfates

3.  Phthalates

4.  Artificial Fragrances

5.  BPA (Bisphenol-A) as well as its counterpart and now substitute in many cases, BPS (Bisphenol-S)

These products are mostly used in the packaging of foods, personal care products and just about anything made of plastic, including baby toys and such. Although there have been strides made to create “BPA-free” products, many of those products use BPS in place of BPA. In general, it’s best to choose products packaged in glass over plastic, for example.

Unfortunately, we can’t trust the product by just reading the front label. Labels on these products can say “Natural” and “Organic,“ but that doesn’t mean the product is free from toxins. Learning to read the ingredient list on labels is a key factor in making educated choices in the products you purchase.

To check the toxicity levels in the products you use, get more education overall and receive updates on the latest regarding environmental and food news, explore these fantastic resources:

Wendy Obstler, CYT, E-RYT,  is a certified yoga therapist, experienced registered yoga teacher and certified prenatal yoga teacher. Wendy is also the certified Lead Teacher and Ambassador of Strong Yoga™ 4Women. Since 2005, she has worked with countless women struggling with fertility challenges and has witnessed over and again the powerful benefits of yoga on fertility. Having used the practice of yoga therapy to heal her own severe back injury, Wendy enjoys sharing the transformational qualities of yoga with other individuals in chronic pain, healing from injury, post-operative rehab and as awareness for injury prevention.  Wendy is a therapist/instructor at Beverly Hills Posture, a proud member of both the International Association of Yoga Therapists and the Yoga Alliance. Wendy Obstler, CYT/E-RYT ©2013 All Rights Reserved

If you have any questions regarding anything we’ve written or would like to book an appointment with us, please click HERE to be directed to our contact page. Beverly Hills Posture is proud to offer Chiropractic Care with an abundance of options including- Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic, Acupuncture, Acupressure and Massage Therapy. We dedicate ourselves to creating a healthier you.

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Spice up your life…and health with Turmeric

Turmeric is a plant (or root) from the ginger family native to South Asia.  It grows wild in the forests of South and Southeast Asia and is one of the key ingredients in many Asian dishes.  This golden-colored spice is, however, a very potent natural anti-inflammatory food, that also improves liver and kidney function. Turmeric can be taken in pill form or made into a paste that can be applied directly to an area of the body that is experiencing pain. Turmeric, Therapy and Training in Beverly Hills, CA - Beverly Hills Posture offers Chiropractic Care, yoga, Acupunture, and Massage Therapy, Walker Ozar - Doctor of Chiropractic, Chiropractor in Beverly HIlls California

The best part of this natural pain-killer is that there are no side effects!  It’s a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent–useful in disinfecting cuts and burns. When combined with cauliflower, it has been shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.

Turmeric is also known to reduce the risk of childhood leukemia, stop growth of new blood vessels in tumors, speed up wound healing and assist in the remodeling of damaged skin as well as prevent breast cancer from spreading to the lungs (when tested on mice).

Aside from all of these known health benefits, Turmeric is currently being studied due to the belief that it can help treat psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions, aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management, and treat pancreatic cancer.  This “miracle root” has recently been shown to have many beneficial effects on myeloma patients.

Turmeric offers something for everyone.  So why not go your local health food store today and pick up a bottle today?

by Chelsey Charbeneau CYT, E-RYT
Certified yoga therapist and registered yoga instructor

If you have any questions regarding anything we’ve written or would like to book an appointment with us, please click HERE to be directed to our contact page. Beverly Hills Posture is proud to offer Chiropractic Care with an abundance of options including- Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic, Acupuncture, Acupressure and Massage Therapy. We dedicate ourselves to creating a healthier you.